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Usul al-Fiqh

A set of principles whereby rules of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh) are derived from specific evidences in the main shari’a sources…


Arabic (نهد) for an undertaking or commitment to contributing or donating towards a common purpose or endeavor. Originally, it was…

Fatwa Alsahabi

A fatwa that was issued based on consensus reached by companions (sahaba) of the Prophet (pbuh), particularly the four orthodox…


Arabic (قياس) for one of the secondary sources of shari'a which involves likening a case for which there is an...


Arabic (استحسان) for a doctrine of Islamic law (shari'a) that implies reconsidering an action, behavior, or practice that was impermissible...

Takhreej al-Manat

The process of coming up with a new ruling (hukm) for which there is presently no specific illah or effective...