A reverse knockout option (RKO option) in which the barrier is at a level below the spot underlying price. This...
A reverse knock-out option (RKO option) in which the barrier is at a level below the spot underlying price. This...
A delta-neutral options strategy that involves more option short positions than option long positions on the same underlying and in...
A variant on a ratio put spread , and a strategy similar to the ratio bull spread in almost all...
It is a forward contract in which one counterparty (the long) buys an out-of-the-money put option and sells an out-of-the-money...
An option order whereby a trader can simultaneously buy and sell a number of different options that usually could only...
A financial instrument that confers on the holder the right, without an obligation, to return (put back) the instrument to...
A financial instrument that confers on the holder the right, without an obligation, to return (put back) the instrument to...
An option strategy (also a covered put) whereby an investor, holding a long position in stock, purchases a put on...
A credit spread option which gives the holder the right, but not the obligation, to sell a defaultable reference bond...