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At-The-Money Put Option

An at-the-money option (put option) in which the strike price is equivalent or approximately equal to the underlying asset's price....


An at-the-money option (put option) in which the strike price is equivalent or approximately equal to the underlying asset's price....

Digital Put

A put option (put) whose payoff is determined as a fixed amount of a particular monetary or financial asset (if the...

Digital Put Option

A put option (put) whose payoff is determined as a fixed amount of a particular monetary or financial asset (if the...

Lookback Rate Put

A lookback option whose payoff (and performance), at expiration (for a European version) or over its lifetime (for an American...


An option combination, similar to a straddle, in which both the put and call legs have the same expiration date…

Calendar Ratio Spread

An option trading strategy which involves buying a far-month call (put) option and selling more than one near-month call (put)…

Call Iron Condor

An iron condor, generally, involves buying or selling four options at four different exercise prices. When an investor buys the calls…


A commodity option that gives the holder the right either to buy (call) or sell (put) the underlying asset, but...

Put Iron Condor

An iron condor, generally, involves buying or selling four options at four different exercise prices. When an investor sells the…