An accounting measure of profit that represents the net income for a certain period of time as determined based on...
The difference between the return on shareholders' funds (capital provided by shareholders/ owners) and the cost of these funds (cost...
The insurance service result which represents the profit earned from providing insurance coverage. It is the excess of the insurance...
An entity's total earnings (revenue) after subtracting all its expenses (mainly, costs of core operations as well as depreciation and...
A murabaha-based financing facility whereby funds for the purchase of the asset (commodities, durable assets, etc.) are provided by a…
The total amount of sales (sales/ revenues) that a business generates minus the total cost of the goods sold (COGS)....
The profit that is made by a division, a segment, or a unit within an entity. Principally, a standalone profit...
The total or aggregated profit that is made by all the entities (e.g., subsidiaries) forming or belonging to a business...
A distribution of company profits (distributable dividends) to equity holders (shareholders) either as a lump sum amount that would be...
A distribution of company profits (distributable dividends) to equity holders (shareholders) either as a lump sum amount that would be...