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Face of Balance Sheet

Presenting an item as a heading or line item on assets or liabilities side of an entity's balance sheet. If...

Primary Currency

The currency in which the financial statements of an entity are prepared and presented. It is the currency that an...

Accounting Currency

The currency in which the financial statements of an entity are prepared and presented. It is the currency that an...

Reporting Currency

The currency in which the financial statements of an entity are prepared and presented. It is the currency that an...

Presentation Currency

The currency in which the financial statements of an entity are prepared and presented. It is the currency that an...

Presentation Statement

A financial statement that is prepared and published only for presentation purposes. In other words, such a statement does not...


It stands for fair presentation; an accounting standards' requirement that an entity's financial statements should be presented in a fair...

Fair Presentation

An accounting standards' requirement that an entity's financial statements should be presented in a fair way to all relevant users...


It stands for framework; a collection of fundamental concepts for general purpose financial reporting that is developed and used by...


The level of standardization of accounting information (e.g., items of financial statements) that makes the financial statements of different entities...