Arabic (خلطة الشيوع) for a type or category of khultah that involves co-ownership (shuyu, ala al-shuyu) of identified assets (ayan)...
Arabic (خلطة الشيوع) for a type or category of khultah that involves co-ownership (shuyu, ala al-shuyu) of identified assets (ayan)...
Arabic (خلطة الأعيان) for a type or category of khultah that involves co-ownership of identified assets (ayan) such as real...
Arabic (خلطة الأعيان) for a type or category of khultah that involves co-ownership of identified assets (ayan) such as real...
Granularity in finance has different (and at time slightly different) meanings in different contexts. In relation to structured products/ instruments,...
The process of mixing, and adding together, a number of shari’ah-compliant asset classes in securitization (tasnid/ taskik) or capital structure. Examples of pooling (khultah) in...
A type of structured finance that involves the pooling of assets (or specific types of assets such as receivables) for...
Arabic (خلطة) for mixing (pooling) of a number of shari'ah-compliant asset classes in securitization (tasnid/ taskik) or capital structure. Examples of khultah in securitization include...
Arabic (خلطة) for mixing (pooling) of a number of shari'ah-compliant asset classes in securitization (tasnid/ taskik) or capital structure. Examples of khultah in securitization include...