An option that expires or pays off if the underlying hits or exceeds the outstrike price. For example, in the…
An option that expires or pays off if the underlying hits or exceeds the outstrike price. For example, in the…
A type of barrier strike that represents the underlying price at which knock-out options expire or pay off in case...
The strike level at which a barrier product (e.g., a barrier option) either becomes effective (in which case, it is...
It stands for up-and-out put; an up-and-out option that is deactivated if the price of the underlying exceeds a preset...
An up-and-out option that is deactivated if the price of the underlying exceeds a preset level. The outstrike (barrier price)…
An option that expires or pays off if the underlying hits or exceeds the outstrike price. For example, in the…
A provision which is typically attached to a CAPS option, whereby it terminates before expiration date and is settled at...
The specified interest rate, or any underlying price, that activates (knocks in) or deactivates (knocks out) a barrier option. The...