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Buy Out of a Swap in Termination

Previously known as bookout, it refers to the closing out of a swap transaction, whereby the net debtor’s pays the…


An abbreviation for short-term interest rate contract. STIR contracts may take the form STIR futures, STIR option, STIR swap, etc.…

Over-The-Counter Derivative

A derivative instrument which is traded and privately negotiated in over-the-counter (OTC) markets, i.e. directly between the two parties involved,...

OTC Option

An option that trades over the counter rather than on a formal exchange. As such, the trading parties involves directly,...


An abbreviation for debt valuation adjustment (debit value adjustment). A type of cross valuation adjustment/ x-value adjustment (XVA) that takes...

Debit Value Adjustment

It is a type of cross valuation adjustment/ x-value adjustment (XVA) that takes out the effects of changes in the...

Debit Valuation Adjustment

It is a type of cross valuation adjustment/ x-value adjustment (XVA) that takes out the effects of changes in the...

Swap Futures Option

An option on a swap futures. This option replicates the European-style convention of an OTC option with exercise taking place...

Credit Contingent Knock-Out Trade

A trade that deactivates (typically with zero-recovery) if either party defaults regardless of which is in the money. It also...

Credit Extinguisher

A trade that deactivates (typically with zero-recovery) if either party defaults regardless of which is in the money. It also...