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Basket Order

One order that involves a basket of securities (or derivative instruments). In other words, it initiates based on instructions for...

Ticker Symbol

The format of ticker tape information which gives a glimpse about a stock price in terms of current price, change...

Ticker Tape

It is a technique used to register and show any change, up or down, in the price of a stock...

Time and Sales

A running record of all trades that are executed on an exchange. It shows the sale prices and the time...

Turn-of-the-Month Effect

A calendar effect that is associated with calendar turning points. This implies that markets perform best at the start and...

Turn-of-the-Calendar Effect

A calendar effect that is associated with calendar turning points. This implies that markets perform best at the start and...

Tick Volume

The volume of securities traded per tick (i.e., per trade). Tick volume can be also defined as the number of...

Cross Trade

A transaction (trade) that is executed on the floor of an exchange by just one broker who simultaneously acts both...

Crossed Trade

An illegal and prohibited practice by which a broker offsets buy and sell orders without reporting the trade to the...

Switch Order

An order (buy or sell order) that is placed by a customer determining that it will consist of two transactions...