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Continuous Asian Option

An Asian option in which the average of underlying prices, interest rates, indices, etc, is calculated on all the time…

Convexity Hedge

An hedged position in which the investor purchases more than one call option for each unit of the underlying he…

Forward Call

An call option whose underlying is a forward contract. This option gives the holder the right to enter into a...

Forward Call Option

An call option whose underlying is a forward contract. This option gives the holder the right to enter into a...

Powered Option

An exotic option whose standard payoff (underlying price in excess of the exercise price) is raised to a specific power (such as...

Power Option

An option whose payoff is based on the price of an underlying asset raised to a power. It is designed to allow the buyer...

Put Option

An option contract that gives its holder (the buyer) the right, but doesn’t oblige him/ her/ it, to sell a certain quantity...


An option contract that gives its holder (the buyer) the right, but doesn’t oblige him/ her/ it, to sell a certain quantity...

Pay Later Option

A type of binary options whose stated strike price is different from its payoff strike. That is, there is a...

Gap Option

A type of binary options whose stated strike price is different from its payoff strike. That is, there is a...