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Reverse Conversion

An option trading strategy (options arbitrage) which involves buying a call and selling a put at the same strike price,...

Dynamic Overwriting

An option trading strategy which involves the expansion of a short call position as the price of the underlying increases....

Long Synthetic Option

A long position in a synthetic option. In other words, a position whose payoff (and generally risk-and-reward profile) replicates that...

Long Gut Iron Butterfly

A gut iron butterfly which is established by buying one call at the lowest exercise price, selling one call and...

Long Condor

A neutral (risk-limited and reward-limited) option trading strategy which builds on the long butterfly strategy, and whereby a long butterfly...

Long Horizontal Straddle

A calendar straddle (horizontal straddle) that is designed to profit as the underlying is believed to stay stagnant over a...

Long Combo

A bullish option strategy (a combo) which is based on selling out-of-the-money puts and buying out-of-the-money calls in order to...

Long Box

A complex option trading strategy (a box) that combines a lower-strike long synthetic futures and a higher-strike short synthetic futures....

Gut Iron Butterfly Spread

An option trading strategy, similar to an iron butterfly, which involves buying and selling both calls and puts at three...

Iron Butterfly

An option trading strategy which involves buying a straddle and selling an out-of-the-money strangle on the same underlying. The order...