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Modified Decay

A measure of loss in the time value of an option (or an option portfolio) as a result of the...

Volatility Value

The degree to which the price of the underlying of an option fluctuates. For an out-of-the-money option, it represents the...

Option Time Value

Also known as extrinsic or instrumental value, it is the portion left of the option value (the price) when its...


The amount of the change in an option price with respect to the decrease in time to expiration. The option value declines or decays...

Time Decay

The amount of the change in an option price with respect to the decrease in time to expiration. The option value declines with the passage...

Long Synthetic Straddle

A synthetic straddle that is constructed either with a long put and a long synthetic call (long put combined with long stock) or with a long call and a long...