A four-legged option trading strategy that involves buying a back-month out-of-the-money put option with the lowest strike price, selling a...
An option spread that combines a long position and short position in put options on the same underlying asset. By…
An option trading strategy which involves selling a near-month put and buying a far-month put, with the strike prices across...
The difference in price between equivalent amounts of two commodities, securities (e.g., bonds), or currencies at two different conditions (e.g.,...
An option or futures spread whereby the number of contracts bought (or long) is not equal to the number of...
A diagonal call spread which involves selling a lower-strike call option and buying a higher-strike call option, with the overall...
An option spread in which the short option leg is margined separately as a naked option. Investors choose this setting…
It is a volatile options strategy, a variant on a ratio backspread (specifically a credit spread), which is the exact...
A diagonal calendar spread (or a calendar diagonal spread) which constitutes an option trading strategy based on the selling of...
An option spread which involves buying a call with a given strike price and expiration date while short selling another…