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Putable Bond

A bond which is payable at par to its holder on demand once the lock-out or deferment period expires. This…

Put Bond

A bond which is payable at par to its holder on demand once the lock-out or deferment period expires. This…

Cox-Ross-Rubinstein Model

An option pricing model which was developed by John Cox, Stephen Ross, and Mark Rubinstein. It was designed to address...

VG Model

It stands for variance gamma model; an option pricing model which is based purely on jumps between successive nodes where...

Variance Gamma Model

An option pricing model which is based purely on jumps between successive nodes where small jumps occur often and large...

Ito’s Lemma

A stochastic process where the change in the price of a derivative during each short period of time has a...

Hull-White Option Model

A valuation model which is used to price interest rate options using mean reversion to generate a future interest rate....

Ho and Lee Option Model

An interest rate option model (originally appeared in 1986) which uses short rates in pricing interest rate derivatives such as...

Option Pricing Model

A mathematical model which is designed and used to figure out the optimal (theoretical) value of an option based on...

HJM Model

A multi-factor valuation model which is designed to price interest rate options (broadly interest rate derivatives) and specific credit derivatives...