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Extendible Repo

A repo (repurchase agreement), specifically an open repo, that which extends for longer periods that usual. It comes with an...

Term Repo

The basis type of repo (also a vanilla repo or a classic repo) that has a fixed term to maturity,...

Open Maturity Repo

A repurchase agreement (repo) which has no specific repurchase date. In other words, the term of an open maturity repo...

Open-Ended Repo

A repurchase agreement (repo) which has no specific repurchase date. In other words, the term of an open-ended repo is...

Open Repurchase Agreement

A repurchase agreement (repo) which has no specific repurchase date. In other words, the term of an open repurchase agreement...

Open RP

A repurchase agreement (repo) which has no specific repurchase date. In other words, the term of an open RP is...

Open Repo

A repurchase agreement (repo) which has no specific repurchase date. In other words, the term of an open repo is...