A securities offering that targets a relatively small number of investors or involves a limited amount of money. An issuer...
It stands for all-or-nothing offering; the offering of a security on the condition that its entire issue is sold. If...
The offering of a security on the condition that its entire issue is sold. If not, the offering is cancelled...
The process whereby a company seeks interest from the public at large for an offering either through advertising or any other…
An offering in which some of the proceeds from the underwriting goes to the issuer and some goes to the...
The first-time issuance of stock (or broadly a security) by a private company (privately held company/ corporation) for public subscription....
An initial public offering (IPO) in which demand for issued securities exceeds supply. A hot issue IPO is an offering...
A new stock issue on which demand exceeds available shares. In other words, the demand by subscribers on an initial...
A provision in an initial public offering (IPO) underwriting agreement which entitles the underwriters to purchase more shares than specified...
The total number of shares of stock that a company has issued for public trading or has at a moment...