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Whole Loan Repo

A term repo transaction that is collateralized by a loan or other form of obligation (e.g. mortgage receivables) rather than...

Cum Interest

In relation to fixed interest bearing securities (bonds, notes, debentures, etc), cum interest includes, in addition to the cost or...

Step-Up Recovery Floating Rate Note

A floating-rate note (FRN) that typically pays 50% of a Constant- Maturity Treasury (CMS) rate plus a specific spread and under which a floor...

Redeemable Note

A note that gives the issuer the right to buy back (call or redeem) the note at a predetermined price...

Leveraged Inverse Floater

An inverse floater whose coupon moves inversely with respect to interest rates by more than one for one. The floater is equipped with a coupon leverage- i.e.,...


It stands for non-principal protected note; a structured note (SN) in which full principal is not protected (guaranteed) at maturity,...

Non-Principal Protected Note

A structured note (SN) in which full principal is not protected (guaranteed) at maturity, contrary to a principal protected note...

Multiple Step-Up Callable Note

A step-up callable note whose initial coupon is well above market rates (for vanilla bonds) and which allows more than one step-up (increase) in its...

Multi-Step-Up Callable Note

A step-up callable note whose initial coupon is well above market rates (for vanilla bonds) and which allows more than one step-up (increase) in its...

Callable Note

A note that gives the issuer the right to buy back (call) the note at a predetermined price (call price)...