A note that takes precedence over other debt securities, in the same class, in the event that the issuer goes...
Select EQUity Indexed NoteS (SEQUINS) are an equity linked product (equity-linked note)- a principal-protected note (PPN) - that used to...
Select EQUity Indexed NoteS (SEQUINS) are an equity linked product (equity-linked note)- a principal-protected note (PPN) - that used to...
An autocallable contingent yield note (ACYN) that represents an unsubordinated, unsecured debt obligation issued a firm (the issuer), linking it...
An autocallable contingent yield note (ACYN) that represents an unsubordinated, unsecured debt obligation issued a firm (the issuer), linking it...
An acronym for capital protected note; a capital protected product/ instrument that pays back the protected amount at the end...
An acronym for Islamic capital protected note; an Islamic capital protected product/ instrument that provides its holder (the investor) with...
An Islamic capital protected product/ instrument that provides its holder (the investor) with capital protection as to the initial invested...
A capital protected product/ instrument that pays back the protected amount at the end of its term. It is a ...
A floater (floating rate note, FRN) that is not callable (as opposed to a callable floater). In other words, it...