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Non-Deliverable Xccy Swap

It stands for non-deliverable cross currency swap; a swap agreement (cross currency swap, XCS) that is entered into, and between,...

Non-Deliverable Cross Currency Swap

A swap agreement (cross currency swap, XCS) that is entered into, and between, two parties to exchange a stream of...

Non-Deliverable XCS

It stands for non-deliverable cross currency swap; a swap agreement (cross currency swap, XCS) that is entered into, and between,...


It stands for non-deliverable cross currency swap; a swap agreement (cross currency swap, XCS) that is entered into, and between,...


It stands for non-deliverable swap; a synthetic derivative which is mainly used to replicate the net cash flows of a...

Non-Deliverable Swap

A synthetic derivative which is mainly used to replicate the net cash flows of a currency coupon swap or cross-currency...