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Difference Between Murabahah and Musawamah

Murabahah is a sale-based transaction (a cost-plus sale) which involves the sale of goods/ assets for a price (thaman) consisting...

Wakalah In Murabahah

Murabahah (مرابحة)- cost-plus sale- is one of the most common Islamic contracts of trading. It belongs in the broader class...

Murabahah: Definition and Concept

Murabahah (مرابحة)- cost-plus sale- is one of the most common Islamic contracts of trading. It belongs in the broader class...

Characteristics of Murabahah

Murabaha (also spelled murabahah) is a shari’a compatible mode of debt financing which involves the sale of a commodity mostly...

Shari’ah Basis for Permissibility of Murabahah

Murabahah is a type of trust sale (buyu al-amanah) whereby acquisition of assets is financed on short or relatively long...

Legitimacy of Murabahah

Murabahah is a type of trust sale (buyu al-amanah) whereby acquisition of assets is financed on short or relatively long...