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Differences Between Mudaraba and Sharika

Mudaraba is a partnership in profit in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides labor and...

Tandheedh al-Mudharabah

Mudharabah is a partnership in profit (ribh) in which one party (rab al-mal) provides funds, while the other (mudharib) contributes...

Key Principles of Murabaha

Murabaha is a cost-plus (mark-up) transaction in which a customer places an order with the financial institution (Islamic bank) to...

Key Principles of Mudaraba

Mudaraba is a joint venture between a capital provider (rab al-mal or financier) and an entrepreneur (mudarib or businessman) who...

Liquidation of a Mudaraba Contract

Mudaraba is a partnership in profit (ribh) in which one party (rab al-mal) provides funds, while the other (mudarib) contributes...

Difference Between Mudaraba and Musharaka

Mudaraba is a partnership in profit (and loss) in which one partner provides capital (rab al-mal) and the other provides...

Types of Mudaraba

Mudaraba, in general, can be classified based on the number of involved parties as a first-tier mudaraba (simple mudaraba) and...