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An acronym for intrinsic value; the perceived value of an asset (financial asset, non-financial asset, tangible asset, etc.), investment, or...

Intrinsic Value

The perceived value of an asset (financial asset, non-financial asset, tangible asset, etc.), investment, or business. This value is calculated...

PT Two-Asset Option

A two-asset option that has a predetermined time window (monitoring period) during which one of two underlying assets is observed…

ArTM Option

An around-the-money option (ArTM option) is an option that has its value about to change, favorably or unfavorably, depending on...

Around-The-Money Option

An around-the-money option (ArTM option) is an option that has its value about to change, favorably or unfavorably, depending on...

Around The Money

An option or an option position is said to be around the money when the underlying asset price is close...


The relationship between strike and spot (forward). It measures the difference between an option's strike price and current market price...

ITM Call Option

It stands for in-the-money call; a call option with a strike price being below the net amount of its underlying’s...

ITM Call

It stands for in-the-money call; a call option with a strike price being below the net amount of its underlying’s...


It stands for in the money; a condition wherein the exercise price of an option is equal (or almost equal)...