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Midpoint Order

A peg (a pegged order) that has a floating execution price that is pegged to the movements of a midpoint...

Midpoint Peg

A type of non-displayed order that is pegged to the average of the National Best Bid (NBB) and National Best...


It stands for midpoint peg; a type of non-displayed order that is pegged to the average of the National Best...

Midpoint Peg Order

A type of non-displayed order that is pegged to the average of the National Best Bid (NBB) and National Best...


It is short for discretionary peg; by definition, it is a type of non-displayed order that is pegged to the...

Alternative Midpoint Peg Order

A peg order (midpoint peg order) that is used to peg the price to the less aggressive side of the...