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Contemporaneous Financing

A technique that is used in reverse mergers in fund raising. More specifically, an operating company combining with a shell…

Shell Corporation

A limited liability company and any business entity that has no significant assets or ongoing business activities/operations. Typically, shells have…

Reverse Takeover

The acquisition of a public company by a private company so that the latter can become a public company without…


It stands for event risk covenant; a bond provision that requires that the bond is turned in, or redeemed, at…

Foreign Shell Corporation

A shell corporation that conducts business transactions such as currency and asset transfers across the borders of its country of…

Cash-and-Carry Shell Corporation

A shell corporation that is offered for sale in return for cash. Usually, this is the case when the owners…

Backdoor Listing

A method of going public by merging with a public shell company. An unlisted company can become publicly traded through…

Horizontal Merger

A merger that results from the combination of competitors within the same geographic market. In a broader sense, a horizontal...

Merger Proxy Statement

A filing statement that discloses a merger deal to the investing public in reasonable detail to allow them to vote...


It stands for merger and acquisition; the process of the buying and selling of corporate assets in order to achieve...