An account whose balance is opposite the balance in its related account (the so-called paired account). For instance, accumulated depreciation...
The carrying amount of an asset or liability at a given point in time, netted against the amount of the...
It stands for gross carrying amount; the amortized cost of an asset, before adjusting for any loss allowance (without deduction...
The amortized cost of an asset, before adjusting for any loss allowance (without deduction for expected credit losses/ ECL). Revaluation...
It stands for value in use;Â the net present value (NPV) of economic benefits / cash flows (inflows and outflows),...
The net present value (NPV) of economic benefits / cash flows (inflows and outflows), including disposal value, that an asset...
The value at which a liability is recorded in the books of a business. It appears in the statement of...
The amount at which a liability is recorded in the books of an entity. It appears in the statement of...
The amount/ value at which an asset is recognized after deducting any accumulated depreciation (for physical assets) / amortization (for...
The amount at which an asset is recognized after deducting any accumulated depreciation (for physical assets) / amortization (for financial...