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Primary Equity Offering

An equity issue by a firm that doesn't have common stock outstanding (i.e., that is not listed). Differently stated, it...

Seasoned Security

A security (debt security, equity security, etc.) that has traded for a period of time long enough (e.g., 90 days)...

Blow-Off Top

A formation (one type of top) that takes place at the end of a sustained bull market run. More specifically,...

Bear Market

A market where prices are decreasing or expected to be decreasing or following a declining trend over a period of...

Open Outcry System

An old-fashioned trading system that involves verbal bids and offers, where member traders gather on the trading floor of an...

Order-Driven Market

A market in which orders placed by all traders are accumulated and crossed based on the rules of order precedence. These rules determine...

Call Auction Market

An order-driven market in which orders are parked for execution at a single clearing price. The auction mechanism is based...

Batch Market

An order-driven market in which orders are parked for execution at a single clearing price. The auction mechanism is based...

Third Market

The market for securities in which listed securities are traded away from an organized market- i.e., over the counter (OTC)....

Fourth Market

The market for securities where institutional investors trade directly among themselves without going through exchanges or resorting to the services...