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Specific Market Risk

A type of risk that arises from factors other than broad market movements/ volatility. This risk includes different risk factors...


The sensitivity of a stock's return to the return on a relevant market index. However, securities may not be confined...

Pure Play Firm

A firm that has only one business line or product, and its value (or value of its stocks) solely depends…

Specific Market Risk

A type of market risk (MR) that arises from narrowly-defined, or specific factors other than broad market dynamics/ movements. Specific...

General Market Risk

The market risk (MR) that arises from the broad dynamics of a market, rather than any individual sector or partition....

Market Risk

An entity's exposure to adverse variations in costs and/ or returns as a result of "unfavorable" changes in market rates/...

Absolute Market Risk

An entity's exposure to adverse variations in costs and/ or returns as a result of "unfavorable" changes in market rates/...

Global Market Risk Premium

A market risk premium (MRP) that takes into account the forces of capital market convergence and globalization. However, not all...

Global MRP

A market risk premium (MRP) that takes into account the forces of capital market convergence and globalization. However, not all...

CVA Market Risk

A type of risk that affects the valuation of a derivative (specifically, credit-value adjustment or CVA). This risk consists of...