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Bear Market Cycle

A market cycle in which the overriding trend is down. Typically, it starts with a market crash that lasts for...

Secular Bull Market Cycle

A bull market cycle that spans or falls within a very long upward trend. Such a cycle features the characteristics...

Secular Bear Market

A secular market that is characterized by a very long downward trend. A secular bear market combines the characteristics of...

Secular Market

A market that moves in the same direction (up or down) for a relatively very long period of time. It...

Mid-Cycle Correction

A market correction that takes place in the middle of an ongoing cycle. Such market corrections are typically driven by...

Bull Market Cycle

A market cycle in which the overriding trend is up. Typically, it has an initial upward phase that lasts four...

Market Cycle

A cycle, in general, is a sequence of events or developments that repeat over time. In stock markets, a market...