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Syndicated Murabaha Financing Facility

A murabaha-based financing facility whereby funds for the purchase of the asset (commodities, durable assets, etc.) are provided by a…

Syndicated Murabaha

A murabaha contract between a purchaser and an investment agent (wakil bil istithmar) acting as mudarib or investment agent on…


An additional layer to the price at which a broker-dealer sells securities out of its inventory, as a compensation for...

Mark-Up Risk

A type of risk that is associated with sales (buyu) in which the price (thaman) of an underlying object (commodity),...

Reverse Tawarruq

A form of tawarruq in which the mustawriq/ mutawarriq (monetizer) is a financial institution or bank, and not an individual...

Reverse Inah

A form of inah sale (بيع العينة) in which a commodity is sold for a spot price (thaman) and then is...


It stands for effective rate of return method; a method of allocating income from an asset or venture in a uniform and...


It stands for effective profit rate method; a method of allocating income from an asset or venture in a uniform and...

EPR Method

It stands for effective profit rate method; a method of allocating income from an asset or venture in a uniform and...

Effective Profit Rate Method

A method of allocating income from an asset or venture in a uniform and equitable manner over the course of the contractual...