Using the funds borrowed from a broker to trade securities (e.g., stocks). Margin trading works also for bonds, options, among...
The cash which a futures trader has to deposit in a margin account as security for guaranteeing a contract fulfillment at...
The cash which a futures trader has to deposit in a margin account as security for guaranteeing a contract fulfillment at...
The cash which a futures trader has to deposit in a margin account as security for guaranteeing a contract fulfillment at...
The amount of cash or marginable securities (e.g., treasuries, blue chip stocks) that a holder of a futures or options...
A brokerage account that is used for the purpose of lending money to clients seeking to fund investment transactions (trades)...
A security (e.g., a stock) that doesn't meet the requirements of an exchange for being traded (purchased) on margin (margin...
A security (e.g., a stock) that meets the requirements of an exchange for being traded (purchased) on margin (margin trading)....
It is a type of cross value adjustment/ x-value adjustment (XVA) that constitute the part of cost relating to initial...
With respect to buying on margin, it is the money put up in a margin account to partially finance the...