A type of ratio cap, and part of borrower-based measures (instruments or tools) that sets a cap on a bank's...
A type of ratio cap, and part of borrower-based measures (instruments or tools) that sets a cap on a bank's...
A type of policy instrument (policy measure) that aims to contribute to the safeguarding of the stability of the financial...
A macroprudential measure (tool)- in addition to the broad categories of capital-based measures and liquidity-based measures- that aims to temper...
A macroprudential measure (instrument)- in addition to the broad categories of capital-based measures and liquidity-based measures- that aims to temper...
A macroprudential measure (instrument)- in addition to the broad categories of capital-based measures and liquidity-based measures- that aims to temper...
A type of macroprudential instrument (macroprudential tool) that comes under two different subcategories: capital requirement regulations (CRR), mainly liquidity requirements...
A type of macroprudential instrument that comes under two different subcategories: capital requirement regulations (CRR), mainly liquidity requirements (reserve requirements)...
A type of macroprudential instrument that comes under two different subcategories: capital requirement regulations (CRR), mainly liquidity requirements (reserve requirements)...
It stands for liquidity-based microprudential and macroprudential instruments; a type of microprudential and macroprudential instruments (MPIs) that impacts a bank's...