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Publicly Listed Company

A company whose shares are listed with and trade on an exchange (stock market), being available for any investor to...

Listed Company

A company whose shares are listed with and trade on an exchange (stock market), being available for any investor to...

Stock Exchange Listing

Listing, official listing or stock exchange listing is the official admission of a security to exchange trading. In normal situation,...

Official Listing

Listing, official listing or stock exchange listing is the official admission of a security to exchange trading. In normal situation,...


Listing, official listing or stock exchange listing is the official admission of a security to exchange trading. In normal situation,...

OTCBB Shell Company

OTCBB stands for over-the-counter bulletin board. An OTCBB public shell is a public shell company that fully reports to the...

Seasoned Equity Offering

An equity issue by a firm that already has common stock outstanding (i.e., that is already listed), regardless of whether...