The liquidity risk that an entity is exposed to over the short run. It represents the risk arising from a...
The liquidity risk that an entity is exposed to over the long run. It covers the risk associated with positions...
The liquidity risk that an entity is exposed to over the long run. It covers the risk associated with positions...
A type of risk (specifically, a market risk) that arises from inability to find a market for assets (such as...
The liquidity risk that arises systemwide. This refers to the risk associated with simultaneous liquidity difficulties (stress) being faced by...
It stands for intraday liquidity risk: a type of risk that arises in relation to an entity's intraday liquidity. For...
A type of risk that arises in relation to an entity's intraday liquidity. For a bank or financial institution (or...
A type of liquidity risk that relates to cash flows or funding liquidity. It reflects the possibility that an entity...
A type of liquidity risk that relates to funding liquidity. It reflects the possibility that an entity may fail to...
It stands for market risk premium; in accounting, market risk premium basically has two distinct meanings: "market risk" premium and...