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Legal Entity

A individual, group of persons, business or non-business construct that has legal rights and obligations in connection with agreements, contracts,...

Operational Risk

The risk that affects the operations of an Islamic bank (Islamic financial institution– IFI) including the risk of loss arising…

Legal Capacity Risk

A subcategory of legal risk that negatively impacts an entity's management or transactions for reasons relating to legal capacity. The...

Ultra Vires Risk

A subcategory of legal risk that negatively impacts an entity's management or transactions for reasons relating to legal capacity. The...

Contract Risk

A subset of the legal risk; contract risk refers to the risk that losses may be incurred by an entity...

Legal Risk

The overall risk that consists of multiple types of risk relating to an entity's failure to comply with statutory or...

Legal Risk

A set of risks that negatively impacts an entity's management or transactions for reasons relating to legal capacity and regulatory...