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Good Faith

A legal expression for a situation where a party has acted or carried out a duty or task or obligation...

Bona Fides

Latin for good faith or in good faith. It means that a party has acted or carried out a duty...

Legal Literature

In legal circles, legal literature is the works of layers/ attorneys and legal practitioners which handle legal matters in such...


In legal circles, literature is the works of layers/ attorneys and legal practitioners which handle legal matters in such a...


In Roman and civil law, it is a contract (fiduciary contract) in which one party is entrusted with specific fiduciary...

Contractus Fiduciae

In Roman and civil law, it is a contract (fiduciary contract) in which one party is entrusted with specific fiduciary...


In Latin: "lex talionis", retaliation. It is derived from the early Babylonian principle "eye for an eye" or "tooth for...

Ex Parte

A Latin term that means "on one side only", "by or for one party", "on behalf of one party", "done...

Financial Law

A branch of law that is concerned with banking and finance and all facets of financial activity, financial markets and...


The act of giving up a legal right such as a right of ownership (of an asset, property, etc.) The...