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It stands for knock-in knock-out; a combination of barrier events (in relation to a barrier option, specifically a double barrier...

Knock-In Knock-Out

A combination of barrier events (in relation to a barrier option, specifically a double barrier option) that takes place in...

Currency KIKO Option

A KIKO option that enables currency traders to sell a specific currency at a fixed exchange rate against another currency…

Partial KIKO Option

A KIKO option in which the trigger is valid for a partial period of time over the course of its...

American KIKO Option

A KIKO option (knock-in knock-out option) that has two American barriers (as an American barrier option) where its payoff gets...

KIKO Option

A combination of a knock-in option and a knock-out option. More specifically, a KIKO option has two barriers: a knock-in...