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It stands for net realizable value (net realisable value); the amount that a company expects to realize in cash (naqd)...

Net Realizable Value

The amount that a company expects to realize in cash (naqd) or cash equivalent (ashbah al-naqd) as payment from customers...

Ghaban Fahish

An excessive profiteering (ghaban) in which the seller intentionally deceives the buyer by stating explicitly or implicitly that the sale...

Investment Sukuk

Certificates of equal value (sukuk) which are issued and sold to investors (as owners or bearers) who, by virtue thereof,...

Sharikat al-A’maal

A subset of sharikat al-aqd (contractual partnership) in which two persons or more agree to cooperate and work together for...


An Arabic term (خلابة) that literally translates as "misleading marketing". The seller, practicing khalaba, pursues unknowledgeable and unaware clients by...

Sharikat al-Aqd

Arabic (شركة العقد) for a type of sharikah (partnership) that is formed by means of mutual agreement between two or...

Mufawadah Partnership

A type of partnership (musharakah or sharikah) which holds all participating parties at equal footing in terms of funds contributed,...

Sharikat al-A’amal

A type of sharikat al-aqd (contractual partnership) in which two persons or more agree to cooperate and work together for...

Mal Ghayr Mutaqawwim

According to the Hanafi school of thought (mazhab), a category of mal that has no value from the perspective of...