An exchange of two counter-values (badalain) such as price for commodity (ba'i), currency for currency (sarf), price for usufruct (ijarah),...
Arabic (مبادلة الأرباØ) for profit rate swap. By definition, it is an Islamic swap that entails the exchange of a...
An exchange of two counter-values (badalain) such as price for commodity (ba'i), currency for currency (sarf), price for usufruct (ijarah),...
The monetary amount for which an asset could be exchanged or a liability/ obligation could be settled between well informed,...
The principal amount of an instrument (sukuk), a debt (qard, zhemam or receivables, etc), or an account (deposit). For example,...
Items that are mutually interchangeable, i.e., the units of which are identical (in specifications/ features), and if destructed will be...
Items that are mutually interchangeable, i.e., the units of which are identical (in specifications/ features), and if destructed will be...
An interest-free loan (fungible, marketable wealth) that is extended by a lender to a borrower on the basis of benevolence...
An acronym for murabaha to the purchase orderer which is a murabaha transaction whereby the Islamic bank purchases an asset/...
An interest-free loan (fungible, marketable wealth) that is extended by a lender to a borrower on the basis of benevolence...