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Riba al-Dain

Interest that is earned on lending money to another party (or interest that is paid on borrowing money from another party)....


Translitration for الفضولي; a person (natural or legal) who involves himself in activities that have nothing to do with him/ her,...


In its literal meaning, fuduli refers to a person who interferes in matters that are none of his business. Technically,...


Arabic (الفضولي) for uncommissioned agent; a person (natural or legal) who involves himself in activities that have nothing to do with...

Riba al-Fadhl

Arabic (ربا الفضل) for riba of surplus/ riba of excess; a type of riba that exists in, or results from, a sale transaction...

Riba al-Nasi’ah

Arabic (ربا النسيئة) for a type of riba that exists in, or results from, a sale transaction (ba'i or bay') which unduly benefits one...


Basically, the predetermined interest which a lender charges on, and collects from, a borrower. The lender receives this interest over...

Riba al-Qard

Arabic (ربا القرض) for riba associated with lending and borrowing (i.e., received in lending or paid in borrowing). It is a type...

Intermediary Mudaraba

A type of mudaraba in which the Islamic bank (recipient of funds) acts as an intermediary between depositors and the bank’s clients who need financing. In...

Two-Tier Mudaraba

A type of mudaraba in which the Islamic bank (recipient of funds) acts as an intermediary between depositors and the bank’s clients who need financing. In...