Arabic (خسارة) for loss (it is the opposite of ribh- ربØ). In the context of selling (ba'i or bay'- البيع),...
A type of sale (bay') in which the seller resorts to selling his property (assets, belongings, etc) under duress or...
A type of riba which involves, according to Maliki jurists, the sale of a measured amount of a commodity for...
Interest that is earned on lending money to another party (or interest that is paid on borrowing money from another...
One of the essential modes of profit/ loss-sharing in Islamic finance, which is based on the concurrence of capital providers...
An istisna'a contract in which the buyer (manufacture orderer, or almustasni') doesn't set a condition in the contract obliging the...
A type of ba’i al-gharar in which the object of sale or the price (thaman) is unknown/ unspecified, or in...
An Islamic fiqh term that is associated with the process of sulh al-ibra' or discharge reconciliation. The creditor party accepts...
In Islamic fiqh, fadhalah (or fadalah) refers to the act(s) of al-fodhouli (al-fuduli), i.e., a person (natural or legal) who transacts (e.g. sells, rents, etc)...
In Islamic fiqh, fadhalah (or fadalah) refers to the act(s) of al-fodhouli (al-fuduli), i.e., a person (natural or legal) who transacts (e.g. sells, rents, etc)...