Arabic (عقود التمليكات) for contracts (uqud- plural of aqd) that entail acquisition (or transfer) of ownership (mulkiyyah). This involves properties...
An Arabic term that denotes cash and cash equivalents. This refers to the monetary assets that are held by an...
A sale (ba'i) that involves the exchange of an asset for specified monetary units (the price). With respect to the...
A sale (ba'i) that involves the exchange of an asset for specified monetary units (the price). With respect to the...
Arabic (عقود المعاوضات) for commutative contracts (contracts of exchange: exchange transaction). A type of contracts (uqud- plural of aqd) whereby...
Arabic (عقود المعاوضات) for commutative contracts (contracts of exchange: exchange transaction). A type of contracts (uqud- plural of aqd) whereby...
In Islamic fiqh, fadala (or fadhala), الفضالة, refers to the act(s) of al-fodhouli (al-fuduli), i.e., a person (natural or legal)...
In Islamic fiqh, fadalah (or fadhalah), الفضالة, refers to the act(s) of al-fodhouli (al-fuduli), i.e., a person (natural or legal)...
It stands for historical cost; in the conventions of Islamic accounting, the historical cost of an asset is its fair...
In the conventions of Islamic accounting, the historical cost of an asset is its fair value at the date of...