An act of transgression- i.e., going against the limits or rules set by shari'a. An example of ta'addi (تعدي) is...
Qardh (قرض) is the transfer of ownership in fungible wealth (mal mithli) from one person to another so that it...
Qard (قرض) is the transfer of ownership in fungible wealth (mal mithli) from one person to another so that it...
Generally, ba’i (or sale) involves the transfer of ownership against payment of the thaman (price), while ijarah is based on...
Ghubn (غبن) denotes the meanings of fraud, inequality, deceit, cheating, etc. In the context of mu’amalat, ghubn may arise from...
In its literal meaning, qimar refers to betting and wagering. Technically, it involves taking ownership of some form of wealth...
Tawarruq (تورق) refers to the process of buying a commodity on a deferred payment basis and then selling it on...
Promising or unilateral promising (wa’ad) is an undertaking or commitment issued by one party to the contract, known as the...
Musawama (bargaining sale) is a type of sale (ba’i or bay’) in which the cost price is not disclosed or...
Murabahah is a mode of financing based on the sale of a commodity for a deferred price. Put another way,...