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Murabaha Revolving Facility

Murabaha (also spelled murabahah) is a shari’a compatible mode of debt financing which involves the sale of a commodity mostly...

Arbun in Murabaha

Murabaha is a type of trust-based sale (buyu al-amana) whereby acquisition of assets is financed on short or relatively long...

Difference Between Islamic Finance and Conventional Finance

The key features differentiating between Islamic finance and conventional finance are summarized in the following table: Islamic Finance Conventional Finance...

Major Differences Between IFRS and AAOIFI Standards

The major differences between the international financial reporting standards and Islamic finance standards (those issued by AAOIFI) can be summarized...

Difference Between Murabaha and Musawama

Murabaha is a sale-based transaction (a cost-plus sale) which involves the sale of goods/ assets for a price (thaman) consisting...

Difference Between Murabaha and Istisna’a

Murabaha is a sale-based transaction (a cost-plus sale) which involves the sale of goods/ assets for a price (thaman) consisting...

Difference Between Murabahah and Musawamah

Murabahah is a sale-based transaction (a cost-plus sale) which involves the sale of goods/ assets for a price (thaman) consisting...

Ba’i al-Tawarruq vs. Ba’i al-Einah

Both tawarruq and einah are two different developments of murabaha. Tawarruq is sometimes called commodity murabaha as it involves having...

Ba’i al-Tawarruq versus Ba’i al-Einah

Both tawarruq and einah are two different developments of murabaha. Tawarruq is sometimes called commodity murabaha as it involves having...

Ba’i al-Inah in Murabaha Transactions

Ba’i al-inah (also spelled al-einah) is a type of buy-back sales in which the borrower and the lender agree (in...