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Back-To-Back Swap

A combination of two swaps, namely two cross-currency swaps or two interest rate swaps for the purpose of effectively extending...

Min-Max Swap

An interest rate swap that entails the exchange of a fixed rate for floating rate, where the floating leg is...

Swap Day Count Convention

The interest payment of a swap is determined based on compounding according to a specific day count convention (such as...

Swap Spread

The difference between the fixed rate leg of an interest rate swap and the yield of a treasury security with...

Turbo Swap

An interest rate swap (fixed for floating rate swap) in which the floating rate is calculated by raising the LIBOR...

Swap Futures

A futures contract which typically has an interest rate swap as underlying. It offers an instrumental tool for corporate treasurers,...

Credit Arbitrage Swap

An interest rate swap in which two counterparties exchange their credit comparative advantages (in terms of credit rating or creditworthiness)...


A derivative contract that allows a market participant to enter into an interest rate swap (IRS) at a preset spread...

Back Stub Period

The last interim (reset) period (stub period) in the life of a floating rate instrument such as interest rate swap...

Front Stub Period

The first interim (reset) period (stub period) in the life of a floating rate instrument such as interest rate swap...