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Beauty Pageant

The competition to be the lead manager (bookrunner) in an initial public offering (IPO). This refers to the process of...

Blind Pool Company

A company that goes public by filing a registration statement with the SEC, and raises capital without having a specific...

Boutique Investment Bank

A small investment bank that specializes in specific investment banking services and activities. It focuses in its business on particular...

Beauty Contest

The competition to be the lead manager (bookrunner) in an initial public offering (IPO). This refers to the process of...


The process of marketing shares to, and gathering orders from, institutional investors in an equity market initial public offering (IPO)....


The competition to be the lead manager (bookrunner) in an initial public offering (IPO). This refers to the process of...

Tombstone Advertisement

A brief announcement, usually in a newspaper, of a new initial public offering (IPO). Such security offerings are usually announced...

Reconfirmation Prospectus

An investment prospectus that a shell company must prepare and submit for the approval of relevant securities and exchange authorities...

Red-Herring Prospectus

A rudimentary prospectus that is circulated prior to an initial public offering (IPO) in order, and after the price range...

Reverse Triangular Merger

A reverse merger in which the public shell company forms a new shell subsidiary (wholly owned subsidiary), which is merged...