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Impairment Test

A test for impairment is an assessment exercise carried out an entity to determine the possible existence of impairment losses...

Loan Impairment Losses

Losses that reflect the expected or potential credit losses that may arise as to an entity's financial assets due to...

Impairment Loss Provision

A provision that is created for impairment losses arising from loans, receivables, and similar types of extended credit. Impairment losses...

Modelled ECL

A measure of ECL (expected credit losses) in which ECL is calculated on a modelled basis. It is a level...

Impairment Losses

The loss in value that results from impairment. More specifically, it is the amount by which the carrying amount (book...

Recoverable Value

An value/ amount that is equal to the higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell and its...

Credit Risk

The risk that a financial loss will be incurred by a party to a financial instrument (or broadly any financial...

Goodwill Impairment Loss

The loss in an entity's goodwill that occurs when the carrying value of the net assets of the entity or...


The loss in value that occurs when the book value or carrying value of an asset (or a cash-generating unit)...

Impairment Loss

The loss in value that results from impairment. More specifically, it is the amount by which the carrying amount (book...