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Arkan Aqd al-Ijarah

Ijarah is a commutative contract that entails the transfer of the right to the usufruct (manfa’ah) or benefit of a...

Ijarah Sukuk Structures

Ijarah sukuk are the most widely used type of investment sukuk. They constitute certificates that carry equal value and are...

Elements of Ijarah Contract

Ijarah is a commutative contract that entails the transfer of the right to the usufruct (manfa’ah) or benefit of a...

Forms of Ijarah Contract

In Islamic finance parlance, ijarah means leasing of a property against a preset amount of money (consideration or in Arabic...

Uses of Ijarah

Ijarah is a financial contract that involves the transfer of the right to the usufruct (manfa'ah) or benefit of a...

Differences Between Ju’alah and Ijarah

Ju’alah (also transliterated ju’ala or jua’ala/ jua’alah) is a commutative contract in which one the parties (known in Arabic as...

Applications of Ijarah

Ijarah is a financial contract that involves the transfer of the right to the usufruct (manfa’ah) or benefit of a...

Types of Ijarah

In terms of its modus operandi, ijarah can be classified as operating ijarah and financial ijarah: Operating ijarah (ijarah tashgheeliah):...

Types of Ijarah Muntahia Bittamleek

Ijarah muntahia bittamleek (ijarah ending with ownership transfer) is a form of ijarah that concludes with passing the legal title...