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Non-Financial Hybrid Instrument

A hybrid instrument whose value of the separated or bifurcated derivative is payable in cash, services or merchandize, while the...


A component of a regulatory capital that possesses the characteristics of both equity and debt. As equity capital (core capital)...

Hybrid Capital Instrument

A component of a regulatory capital that possesses the characteristics of both equity and debt. As equity capital (core capital)...

Hybrid Financial Product

A financial product that combines two products or more, or that combines a specific number of products with add-on features...

Hybrid Product

A financial product that combines two products or more, or that combines a specific number of products with add-on features...

Hybrid Instrument

An instrument (financial instrument) that combines multiple elements or components of different, distinguishing features, particularly debt-type (debt instrument) and equity-type...

Bond with Warrant

A hybrid instrument that gives the holder a long position in a straight debt instrument in addition to the right (option)…

Puttable Financial Instrument

A financial instrument that confers on the holder the right, without an obligation, to return (put back) the instrument to...

Tier-1 Capital

A capital tier that constitutes the first line of defense or buffer against losses to an Islamic bank's capital that...

Tier-2 Capital

A capital tier that constitutes an addition to minimum capital requirements and represents a line of defense or buffer against...