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It stands for hybrid venture capital fund; a venture capital (VC) fund that is funded from hybrid sources (public and...

Hybrid Venture Capital Fund

A venture capital (VC) fund that is funded from hybrid sources (public and private sectors) and/ or invests in hybrid...

Hybrid Fund

A mutual fund that is well diversified among two asset classes or more, particularly debt and equity instruments/ investments (e.g.,...

Balanced Fund

A mutual fund that is well diversified among two asset classes or more, particularly debt and equity instruments/ investments (e.g.,...

Equity-Oriented Hybrid Fund

A mutual fund (specifically a balanced fund) that invests primarily in stocks (equity and equity-related securities) with certain, limited allocation...

Aggressive Hybrid Fund

A mutual fund (specifically a balanced fund) that invests primarily in stocks (equity and equity-related securities) with certain, limited allocation...

Equity Hybrid Fund

A mutual fund that constitutes an an ope-ended scheme investing mostly in hybrid equity (equity and equity related instruments). Its...