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Trigger Forward

A combination of a forward contract and a trigger option, whereby the buyer can enter into an outright forward at...

Forward Plus

A form of the range forward contract which has some type of participation in the movement of the underlying below...

Option-Dated Forward

A forward exchange contract which gives the buyer the right to choose when to exchange currencies between two preset dates....

Range Reset Forward

A structured option that allows the holder to receive an improved exchange rate compared to the equivalent forward exchange rate...

Credit Forward

A credit derivative which constitutes a forward contract on a credit spread. More specifically, it is a single period OTC...

Non-Deliverable Forward

A derivative instrument which is used for hedging the exchange rate risk associated with non-convertible currencies. By definition, a non-deliverable...

Collared Forward

It is a forward contract in which one counterparty (the long) buys an out-of-the-money put option and sells an out-of-the-money...

Participating Forward

A forward contract which is enhanced with an embedded floor to protect the holder from substantially adverse price movements in...

Break Forward

A currency market tool, similar to an option, which is used principally to avail of a move in the underlying...

Symmetric Payoff

A payoff (of a specific derivative instrument) whose value changes continuously and proportionally up or down in response to movements...